Cucumeris is a generalist predatory mite that has been used for the biological control of thrips for well over 20 years. It does prefer higher humidities so thick crops or those low to the ground provide the best environment for their successful deployment.
The adults are very small not really getting any bigger than .5ml, they are a brown to reddish orange teardrop shaped with the adult females being plumb whereas the adult males tend to be almost flat in appearance. Juveniles and freshly hatched eggs are extremely small. They are extremely active as temperatures start to rise. Cucumeris eggs hatch in about 3 days, and take somewhere in the order of 10 days to achieve adulthood during this period they are active feeders of thrips and broad mite/spider mite eggs. Adults will live for about a month and lay approximately 34 eggs.
Each litre of contains 100,000 predators.